Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Ten Empty Green Bottles

Ok, I admit it. I left myself to fester in my own un-proactive juices for two months. And for that, I apologise. To you, to myself, to my creators (obviously mother and father). And to my girlfriend, to whom I groused profusely about paucity in creative thinking. She told me to disregard perfection. But I was too haughty. She told me to start writing. But I was too uninspired. She told me to stop complaining. But I was too querulous. She told me to do something. So I moaned some more.

Now, however, I have made small steps to ignore those faults of mine, and put metaphorical pen to metaphorical paper (this all owed largely to her, and in part to Kavi, for staying committed to his own blog). Here I am, fuelled by ignominy, with a topic at hand: why do so many of us love to get drunk?

What is the British beguilement with excess drinking? Why are many of us defenceless to the allure of a pint of Fosters, or a bottle of Smirnoff Ice - and subsequently left to the mercy of that second drink, then third, as inebriation intensifies?

These questions cannot be answered by one person alone...so I went out to conduct an in-depth survey to discover what the general concensus was
concerning the issue.

And the results?

Inconclusive (although that
may be because I wound up failing to conduct a survey of any sort, instead being left distracted by the voluminous supply of alcohol at my disposal; annotated data made as much sense as a baby's first attempts at writing his or her own name, hahahehe)...

Fine, it's legible. But it's not your name, is it Mr. Baby?

In reality though, any such survey wass doomed to fail from the get-go, grr! as most people would either play down their partiality for a glass of red with their breakfast, lest they wish to be admonished for their foolishness (funnily enough, amongst many 13-15 year olds, the more you drink, the cooler you become, and therefore the more credence you give to the claims that you are now "awesome" enough to hang with the most popular social circles in your local area. This is pratically a guarantee if you happen 2live in the USA).

On the other hand...erm...phew! My head's spinning a little bit. Give me a couple of minutes.

Right, on the other hand, drinking straight vodka signifies your ascent into adulthood, right?? People drink bottle after bottle of vodka just to be accepted, don't they? Yes? No? Maybe soooo? Im not wasting my time here am I? TELL ME!!

I really can't get this love of booze. It doooexn't even taste nice1 Whats so good about gettin drunk and stuff? Vodka is vile! tonic of tehe damnned I trll you; tyonic of the dsmned!! ;D1

Styiupd fnigrts. hanrd yo ttrgpe, ededeee

c ome b aq 2mel8r, yeas???