Friday, 8 August 2008

Wetter Wet Weather

Rainfall? In Britain? During the summer? There's a first (I say as I put on my most sarcastic tone of the day)!

The typical description of a Britain summer, according to my father at least, is three days of glorious sunshine, followed by a thunderstorm. To give the benefit of the doubt to the nation’s weather, the thunderstorms have been few and far between this year (maybe not during the night, as I’m a deep sleeper, and fail to pay much attention to any sorts of commotion outside my window once the sky has grown dark), and have instead been replaced by brief rain showers.

Just to unsettle me, there would be a large thunderstorm yesterday evening, wouldn’t there? The despair of that proved to be somewhat unnerving, and loud roars of thunder aren’t very pleasurable experiences for the jittery.

As I recollect my thoughts, brief maybe a slight over exaggeration. A large proportion of these “soak sessions” have been and gone in mere double-figured seconds; occasionally, they haven’t even lasted long enough for the ordinary, inattentive human being to recognise that his garden path has been soaked and his flowers given a nice drink in the time between first glancing out the window, putting on a light layer of clothing to step outside in, then staring out the window again.

The grey clouds that dumped all of this rainwater are no slouches either – racing off into the distance nearly as quickly as the rain vanishes.

Could the quick weather changes be evidence of extreme climate change? Or are the changes circumstantial? I fear that the environment was damaged beyond repair may a year ago anyway, but events like these suggest the rate of change is greater than first envisioned, leaving our world with a shorter lifespan than previously thought. As the UK’s proximity to the North Pole is not of a distant kind, we will be one of the first nations to endure the brunt of the damage caused by melting ice caps.

Not many things put more of a dampener on things that an overcast sky. Pathetic fallacy can be the death of you at times like that, when you want to be productive. I’ve come across as pessimistic concerning any definitive fixes against lethal climate change, as I don’t believe there are any. And I am writing about the state of the weather here…

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