Saturday, 4 October 2008

The Icy Exterior

Out of the frying pan, into the freezer; my room has accomplished the unthinkable by transforming itself: from clouding me with the dry heat of a sauna, to the bitter chills of a meat locker.

The boiler that stands its ground in the corner of my room makes it impossible – during the summer – to remain enclosed within its four walls without collapsing due to heat stroke in a few seconds. The nights would be the worst of all; every inch of your being screamed for the relief of a fan or an air conditioner (which I swiftly denied them access to, since it would culminate in my reliance on these pieces of equipment all through the day; a dependence I was not willing to consent to).

And in a dramatic twist of fate, what should befall this same room? You’ve guessed it; the boiler decides to give up the ghost and leave me mired in temperatures now closely resembling the Gobi desert throughout the year. Before that, dreams of a cooler climate (with, perhaps, the occasional monsoon to mix things up a little) in this bedroom would never come to fruition.

How ungrateful I am that those dreams have come true.

Three nights in a row have I awoken to feel cold’s embrace about my torso, caressing my shoulders and feet until I am forced to lash out repeatedly at the empty air. I struggle to banish its presence from my bed – grasping, clutching the covers tighter and tighter to preserve what little warmth had not yet abandoned me. Nevertheless, it would not relinquish; it clambered under the paper-thin quilt and assaulted the exposed flesh with an onslaught of taps and nips on the skin. My body convulsed at the feeling- partially in pain, partially in shock – and soon I lay there shivering, shuddering into submission. There was no doubt in my mind as to the violation I had received.

I have never been one not to complain at extreme temperature variations. A permanent foe of nature’s radiator, the Sun, it was not until about three years ago, however, that I renounced the impertinence of wintry weather with valour (subsequent to my loss of a large amount of body mass, which left me a great deal more susceptible to freezing conditions). Add to this substandard circulation, and you have a young man likely to don a thick coat and chatter his teeth at the first signs of frigidity.

Ultimately, in the event of my untimely end, should I be offered the choice, I would ardently select a means of hypothermia over hyperthermia. Compared to scorching heat, I am enamoured with the cold. Too often might I lapse into a semi-comatose state if unable to sufficiently reduce my body temperature during unusually hot British summers.

But events of yesterday did remind me that sub-zero can be just as inhospitable as +35°C. The gym at the end of my garden does not insulate heat. Try playing a game like Athens 2004 (where you button-bash insanely commonly) when your thumbs and fingers are seizing up! Poor Rachael could hardly flinch after a while. And rightfully, she had a go at me for not switching on the heater sooner.

If you wouldn’t mind, I must apply some socks to my feet, to stave off frostbite. Until next time...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

brrr! just reading this made me cold! it IS well cold now! what happened! we never have mild temperatures in this country, its either too hot or too cold! btw athens 2004 is soooo fun! swimming ones really take it out of you, never had i before witnessed finger cramp.